EdITLib Is Changing Its Name to LearnTechLib — The Learning & Technology Library

EdITLib, the digital library sponsored by AACE, is changing its name and its domain. The new website, LearnTechLib.org, will provide the identical content with a new name to reflect changes in the field of learning, education & technology:

To reflect the change to a broader recognition of the intersection between learning and technology, EdITLib, the Education and Information Technology Library, is being renamed to LearnTechLib, The Learning & Technology Library. The new domain for the LearnTechLib website is http://www.LearnTechLib.org. It is our hope that this name change will encourage and inspire researchers, teachers, and students to explore new and effective learning methods and technologies inside and outside the classroom.http://[email protected]

The domain change will not affect current or future subscribers and links pointing to editlib.org will continue to work indefinitely. For further information, please email [email protected].

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