

  • Application deadline: 3 months prior to conference.  
  • Applicants notified: 2 months prior to conference.
  • Applicant summary report: 1 month after conference

As a non-profit organization, AACE offers student scholarships to reduce the funds required so they may have the opportunity to participate in our professional, international AACE conferences.

AACE’s international conferences



Scholarship Award Winners Receive:

  • Confernece Registration
  • Workshop Registration
  • 1 year AACE/SITE Membership
  • 1 year Digital Library Subscription

Coordinated by the AACE Foundation, the following scholarship application policies apply:

  • One application per person per conference.
  • Anyone with a current student ID may apply.  Please include copy of student ID with application.
  • Up to three student scholarships per conference will be awarded or up to 15 scholarships per year.
  • Scholarships cannot be postponed or transferred to other conferences.

It is the aim of AACE to help highly motivated student who do not have the budget to attend an AACE conference. For that reason, we encourage participants to attend workshops of choice and sessions of their choosing during the entire conference week.

The scholarship award comes with the obligation and opportunity send in a written summary report about one’s experiences during the conference, within one month after the conference. AACE will provide a format for the summary report. Selected summary reports will be published for the benefit of other students and participants.

AACE understands that student college tuitions are high and generally increasing. We hope that this contribution by AACE will make it easier for students to participate in conferences and extend their professional knowledge.

Apply Today

Recent Scholarship Winners

EdMedia 2015
Patty Blake, Marshall University, USA
Global Learn 2015
Maria Kantani, University of Patras, Greece
SITE 2015
David Walddon, from Olympia Washington, USA
Student Scholarship Report
EdMedia 2012
Rikki Lowe, Marshall University, USA
Student Scholarship Report
Global TIME 2012
William Emanuel, Morgan State University, USA
SITE 2012
Baharak Makki, University of Agder, Norway
Ijeoma Okeke Delft, University of Technology, Netherlands
Jamie Smith, Ohio University, USA