E-Learn Keynote and Invited Speakers Introduced Using…..

All E-Learn 2008 Keynote and Invited speakers were asked to respond to the following questions in an effort 1) to give attendees insights into their perspectives and histories on technology and 2) to avoid reading brief bios readily available to E-Learn participants via other resources:

a.       When was the first time you used a computer?

b.      Do you ever purposefully try to stay away from technology? If yes, what do you do? (e.g., technology free weekends)

c.       Can you name a couple of unique ways that technology has affected your personal or professional life in a positive way? (e.g., online Flickr account, mobile learning, etc.)

d.      If you had to look back and pick a year or event, when did your career in learning technologies take off and why?

e.       What is one thing happening in the world of e-learning that too few people know about?

f.       What project(s) are you currently working on that has you most excited and why?

g.      Do you have any important publications on the horizon?

h.      What is the most interesting place you have ever presented and why?

i.        Tell us one thing people do not know about you.

j.        What are your hobbies?

k.      Can you send any photos, pictures, visuals, etc. (with captions) that illustrate any of your answers that we can use in your introduction?

Hopefully session participants have enjoyed the Keynote and Invited Speakers’ responses to the above inquiries.

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