Late Fall 2023


Workshops Guide

Honorarium and Registration

  • Honorarium: In appreciation for your contribution, you will receive an honorarium of 20% of your session’s fees within 4 weeks after the conference. The honorarium will be based ONLY on the number of people actually registered and paid for your session. Participants will either have a ticket to present at the door or be included on a list of pre-registered people.
  • Registration: All workshop instructors are required to register in advance of the conference, rather than on-site. You may take advantage of and pay the discounted early AACE member registration fee.
  • Max Attendees: If you wish to limit the number of attendees in your session, please let us know in your submission. Otherwise, the limit will be based upon the maximum number that the room and equipment can support.

Handout Materials

  • You are highly encouraged to provide handout materials as a supplement.
  • You are responsible for making your own copies prior to the conference. You will be notified approximately a week prior to the conference of the number of pre-registered participants for your session.
  • The conference will reimburse you up to $3 per participant for the cost of photocopying handouts. Please turn in your photocopying receipt and your reimbursement will be included with your honorarium.
  • The conference cannot be responsible for shipping costs associated with your session.
  • Workshop Evaluation Forms should be picked up at the Registration Desk prior to your session.

On the Day of Your Session

  • A conference worker will be assigned to collect tickets at the door. Please do not allow people without a ticket to enter the presentation room. If individuals arrive after tickets are collected, please ask for their ticket and turn the tickets in at the Registration desk immediately after your session. Again, the honorarium will be based on the number of tickets collected.
  • You are requested to have each participant complete the Evaluation Form before leaving the session. Collect the forms and hand them in to the Registration Desk immediately after your session.
  • Please contact the Registration Desk in case of any equipment problems or other difficulties.

Thank you in advance for your contribution toward making this a beneficial experience for your participants!

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