Transfer of Copyright Agreement

Copyright to the above listed unpublished and original work (including without limitation, the right to publish the work in whole or in part in any and all forms of media, now or hereafter known) is hereby transferred to the Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE) for the full term thereof throughout the world, subject to the Author Rights, effective as of the date of this agreement on the understanding that the work has been accepted for publication by AACE. This transfer of copyright includes all materials to be published as part of the Article (in any medium), including but not limited to tables, figures, graphs, movies, and other multimedia files. It is the responsibility of the authors, not AACE, to determine whether disclosure of their material requires the prior consent of other parties and, if so, to obtain it. Responsibility for the content of published papers rests upon the authors, not AACE.

The author(s), and in the case of a Work Made For Hire, the employer named below, shall have the following rights (“Author Rights”):

  1. All proprietary rights other than copyright, such as patent rights.
  2. The right, after publication by AACE, to reuse any portion of the work, without fee, in future works of the author’s own provided that the AACE citation and notice of AACE copyright are included.
  3. The right to post their own author versions of preprints and revisions, including versions covered by AACE copyright but not versions downloaded from the AACE Digital Library, in a personal collection on their own or their employer’s server; such copies must be limited to noncommercial distributions and personal use by others and the AACE copyright notice must be attached.
  4. If the Article was prepared under a U.S. Government contract, the government shall have the rights under the copyright to the extent required by the contract.

This Form must be signed by the Author (clicking on the Submit button to upload your file in lieu of signature indicates acceptance to this agreement) and must be received by AACE before processing of the submission for publication can be completed.

  • The undersigned represents that he/she has the power and authority to make and execute this agreement.
  • The undersigned agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the AACE from any damage or expense that may arise in the event of a breach of any of the warranties set forth above.
  • In the event the above work is not accepted and published by the AACE or is withdrawn by the author(s) before acceptance by the AACE, the foregoing copyright transfer shall become null and void.
  • For jointly authored works, one of the authors should sign as authorized agent for the others.

Authors should understand that consistent with AACE’s policy of encouraging dissemination of information each published paper will appear with the following notice:

“Copyright by AACE. Reprinted from with permission of AACE (”

Please print if you wish to retain a copy for your records.


University Repositories

AACE does allow for conference and/or journal papers to be added to the educational research repositories of an author’s university. When adding this work to your school’s collection, please be sure the paper is properly cited and otherwise follows the AACE Copyright policies outlined above.