October 7-10, 2024


Conference Review Policy

Conference Submission Review Policy, Acceptance Rates, and Indices


AACE conference submissions are peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers, and usually three reviewers, who are members the conference’s international Program Committee of experts in fields specifically matching the conference topics. Papers are subject to a double-blind review. Reviewers are required to provide the author with comments intended to improve the content, style, and other issues which should improve the quality of the article.

If the review results are not clear, at least two members of the conference’s Program Committee decide whether a paper can be accepted or not, and in which presentation category.

A review of all papers receiving high review scores is undertaken by all the members of the conference Board to nominate outstanding paper awards.

Submission evaluation criteria:

  1. Potential value/impact of research or developments
  2. Relevance to conference
  3. Originality
  4. Style: Clarity, Length, Originality, Etc.

Acceptance rate: The acceptance rate for AACE conferences is 25-39%.

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